Hi, my name is vegan T.

Today I’m going to help you go vegan.

When I was just turning vegan it was hard, I

admit I did cheat on my diet like chocolate,

chocolate is addicting it has milk in it which is addicting.

So today I’m going to help you go vegan every

week ill write a lot to help you,

I’ll write how I went vegan so you can relate

so maybe YOU can be a great hero and save

not only the animals, humans maybe even the

world so when I turned vegan, I thought it

was hard but over time I found out more and more soon it became easy

 why did YOU go vegan?

 because I knew better (life for the


 when you saw all the animals WHAT

did you think

 is this what people call humane if it is

humane means cruel, harm, death,

horror, fear, dismay, revulsion, pain,

unkind, barbarous, brutal, vicious,

ruthless, harsh,

atrocious, spiteful, malicious, callous,

heartless, indurate, calloused, mean,

vindictive and unforgiving

 okkkkk? cool

so yeah, next time, next week I’ll write

over two hundred words again.

You veCan do it!

by vegan T

don’t miss out on vegan T’s Story

coming Next week

  • vegan T.