So often I hear individuals who I discuss the philosophy of veganism with, say, “you vegans are in a cult.” It’s actually become something of a running self-deprecating joke in the community. Upon hearing this for the several […]


In the first part of this article, we examined the psychological disorders associated with those humans who are cruel and abusive to non-human animals, and the scientific data, likewise, associated with those who are forced into professional positions […]


From a philosophical vantage point, something that has been puzzling, to me, is why some forms of animal abuse and cruelty, are associated with psychological disorders, and others, considered totally innocuous. Ubiquitous, even. Not at all associated with […]


Part Two The Psychology of Animal Abuse & Cruelty – An Analysis of the Scientific Literature. In the first part of this article, we examined the psychological disorders associated with those humans who are cruel and abusive to […]