“Veganism is one thing and one thing only – a way of living which avoids exploitation, whether it be of our fellow men, the animal population, or the soil upon which we rely for our very existence.”

‘What’s Cooking?’ 

Her written work.

Why Veganism? (1964)     [Pdf]
In Lighter Vein (1974)
What’s Cooking? (1973)
What Else Is Cooking? (1983)
Idealists or Cranks? (1965) *This and other writings from the Vegan are available in the photo gallery below. 
Vegan Cooking (2002)
Confessions Of A Very Slow Starter. (1981)   [Pdf]
Roger Yates’ Pioneers Of The Vegan Social Movement

Narrations of her written work.

Why Veganism? (1964)
In Lighter Vein (1974)
Idealists or Cranks? (1965)
Confessions Of A Very Slow Starter. (1981)