
Welcome to the very first blog post! Just a very quick Hi! And I hope you’re all very well!

I would very much like this blog area to be YOURS.
I want to hear about YOU and the things YOU have done, are doing or want to do.

Whether that’s a big long talk about a subject that interests you, a reply to a non vegan, self promotion, talking about some recent activism you have been involved in or want to raise awareness about. Whether you want to promote an upcoming event or just drop your social links and add a quick spiel about WHY you’re Vegan. It’s cool.

I just want as many contributions/experiences/perspectives as possible – coming from activists from various age groups/backgrounds and countries allover the world.

You can get in touch using the contact page on the site. Emailing me or dropping me a message on any of the social links!

Thank you and I can’t wait to hear from you all!


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